DC Scholastic Sketchers (1-Full-Year Package) 48 Classes-Basic Drawing
DC Scholastic Sketchers (1-Full-Year Package) 48 Classes-Basic Drawing
Get the absolute best pricing for one full year of Scholastic Sketchers Draw Club (LIVE, online) for your institution or after-school program ($25/week no matter how many attendees you have). If you want to offer an ongoing drawing community and weekly exercises to teach and improve basic drawing abilities, this is the best deal you'll find anywhere! Come join us! Wherever you are, we want you in the Club!!
Draw Club sessions are grouped in four-week themes...cartoon strips, graphic novels, comic books, classic illustration, etc. Classes run for 50 minutes and cover a new basic drawing skill/style every week. If your class time is shorter, you can cut out after 40 minutes (and do the self-application session by video later).
-5 minutes lesson focus, history and examples
-35 minutes step by step drawing (10 minutes on, 2 minute break repeated)
-10 minutes of self-applying your new skills on your own
Suggested ages: 8-15 with beginning to intermediate drawing skills.
HOW IT WORKS: Three sessions (per 4-week-theme) are live, step-by-step tutorials. And because students want time to develop their own drawings, 1 session per month is recorded. The fourth, recorded session is called Studio Time week. The Studio Time video is posted on YouTube, and outlines an exercise designed to give students freedom to explore techniques they've learned on their own. There is also a step-by-step portion of the Studio Time video if you want or need extra help applying your skills. The Studio Time video can be played like the live feed for your students.
Hosts (your institution/facilitator) will be sent a Zoom invite (new each week) to join the live Draw Club session and JPG files to print to follow along on the lesson. Please provide an email address you check regularly during check out so you are sure to receive both the invite and the JPG files
For these sessions, your institution will need:
•A facilitator
•A monitor that can display the live Zoom session and the Studio Week video.
•The JPG(s) you receive for the sessions printed before the session starts.
•A pencil and an eraser.
•A pen (or preferably two) with indelible ink. One fine tip, and if possible, a second with a bit larger tip to fill in more area (which makes things quicker).
•Colored pencils, markers, or crayons...preferably with 2-3 of each color (ie. light green, medium green, dark green). Simple, low cost colors will work fine.
•A mirror they can see their whole face in (used occasionally).
Scholastic Sketchers is great for after-school programs, arts councils, churches, home school collectives, and libraries.
Classes are weekly during the school year:
Wednesdays at 4-4:50PM or 5-5:50PM or 6-6:50PM EST
Classes run as monthly four-day camps during the summer months:
Summer Dates: June 16-19, July 14-17, August 4-7
Summer Time Options 10:30-11:40AM or 2:10-3:00PM EST (M-Th)
If you miss a class or classes, they will be posted as private videos on YouTube for 2 weeks following the session, so you can always catch up on your own time.
There will be other groups in attendance, and feeds will be muted during the step-by-step portion of the class, with small breaks for questions. Chat will be moderated if you have any questions while muted.
Photo Waiver: Draw Club takes weekly pictures of student artwork and shares some of them in the email update and on social media for people to see what awesome artists we have in Draw Club. There are no names associated with the pictures. Unless you notify us otherwise (at Toons@GooGenius.com) not to share any photos of your student/art, your purchase of Draw Club classes will be deemed as agreement to let us use screenshots and any other images of your student/artwork, royalty free, in various GooGenius/Draw Club community-building and publicity applications.